Sabtu, 24 November 2018

Experienced Story to Thailand Conference!

Asian Academic and Society International Conference (AASIC)
Mae Fah Luang University
Chiang Rai, Thailand
8-10 November 2018


Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.,
Introduce first, my name is Retta Farah Pramesti from majoring of accounting Faculty of economic and business Universitas Padjadjaran. Firstly, I want to give an honorable for the parties especially to Dauqy Fashion have given to me much of support so I and two other friends who is Annisa Faradila (Psychologycal Faculty) and Muhammad Ihsan (Communication Faculty) succesfull went to Chiang Rai Thailand for presentation our paper in 8th-10th November 2018. The paper entitled “Molistar : Mobile Library and Activity on The Road : Implementation for Fun Reading in Neglasari Village, Sumedang”, in honestly this is the first moment and opportunity to me have an experienced for the international event, Alhamdulillah.
Before arrived there, I had to enjoyed the long trip from Jatinangor to Chiang Rai. For your information that I go alone to Thailand because have different schedule with my teams, but it doesnt mean stop my pace for go there, I am the woman fighter, I can do it! Ok so.. I used the Baraya Travel from Jatinangor at 10 pm in 7th November 2018 and next a trip approximately in 7 hours at 7 am used the Lion Air from Jakarta Bangkok and transit one times in Changi International Airport, Singapore. I got a confused moment before pick up on the plane, that was cause I go alone to Thailand and for the first time so I asked with the officer the return ticket, unfortunately I order yet that. That fault almost made me doesnt go to Thailand. But Alhamdulillah Allah help me for one by one afraid moment and lastly getting a solution. Ok, next in my story after that I’ve arrived there, I next the trip to used airplane Bangkok Chiang Rai with Thai Lion Air, I little bit afraid that just me in that airplane used the veil only, haha.
Alhamdulillah endure by passing through 2 hours from Bangkok to Chiang Rai, finally I arrived in Chiang Rai at 7 pm, yeay! But I still alone and not met yet my team in There. Before, My Friend Annisa have ordered the rooms in There, exactly on Soundsleep Hostel. I used the Taxi meter and paid 200 baht for that, so expensive I think. Unfortunately the price cannot bargained for lower price, it has fixed. At 9 pm I’ve arrived in Soundsleeps hostel and met Ihsan and Annisa around at 11 pm, Alhamdulillah respectively.
In 8th November 2018 is the fighting day! we went to Mae Fah Luang University with the bus price 23 baht and through 1 hours only, the agenda scheduled today just plenary session and presentation session. We would to presented our paper at 3 pm, the morning event full for plenary discussion with the attractive speaker. The speakers are Mr Romyen (vice president of Mae Fah Luang University), Mr Wasaba (Dorm Director Mae Fah Luang University), Mr Yunardi (Engineering Lecturing of Unsyiah), Mr Nopadol (Dean of school Medicine of Mae Fah Luang University) and Mrs Chachaya (Hospitality Industry Management of Mae Fah Luang University) The speaker told about the skilled, experienced and ableness itself related with the issues growing in our society include advancing health and eradicating disease, re-emergering power abd empowering society, technology and science on the move, the last is boosting quality and assuring effectivity.I get so much knowledge and new perspective in generally. Thanks for all speakers!
After plenary session and coffee break done, this is our time to presented our paper, so in technically presentation divided as a subtopic we choose, and the comittee divided into the small of group, it becomes more effective and efficient presentation. I was entered the rooms on B21, in that rooms just there 6 groups would to presented the paper itself, I remember that the speakers generally are from 10 countries and in that rooms at least there are Brazil, Canada, Japan, Bangladesh and mostly Indonesia representative. You know what I feel after entering that room?The vibes when I into to the room is so tense and make us apprehensive a lot. But we believe to our self that we can do delivered as well as we can because we have to practice presentation together and understands the concept of our ideas. Then the moderators random us to get the number for presented, and we got number 4 out 6 groups, bismillah.
After presentation 1-3 over, we are called by moderator to presented our papaer. We presented with all out and given the best presentation in our mind. The time is just only 15 minute, include 10 minute for presentation and 5 minutes question and answer session. After 15 minutes bygones, the presented by us was over, Alhamdulillah, fluently works... The thing most remembered by me in that room when the question session, so we not only got ask from the judges but the other delegates too, and  you know that, mostly other delegates is so knowledgeble because has experienced and average professional or doctor, i think the question is enough difficult, but finally we can handle because have a togetherness and effort to calm to give the answer as we know, Alhamdulillah.
In 9th November 2018 is the second day, we through the academic writing with Ms Era from Mae Fah Luang University, we studied many of rules in writing especially in scientific paper, I got much the new knowledge again for the good manners in scientific writing principle. After that at 10 am until 4 pm we are next to presentation session and cause we already have to presentation, we can enter the rooms for watched the other delegates for other country, accidentally there is one team delegate from Unpad too, so yesterday when we presented they support us, and know we support them too, response the kindness. I really interested with all topic that other delegates bought, include idea, research and many more. In short story, the presentation session has over.
The night comes and we are go to Chiang Rai Night Bazzar to bought a special a gift back from a trip for family, friends and others in Indonesia. In addition there is a festival night, it’s so fabulous that some foods and the culture provided by Thailand student and Indonesia too. I feeling a lot of foods form thailand such as Tom Yam, Pad Thai, Manggo Sticky Rice, Thai tea and etc....
The last day for us, In 10th November 2018, we are go to trip to White Temple. As we know that Thailand country is the biggest umat Budhanism region in the world, so in this city of Chiang Rai especially more place related with Budhanism prayers, such as a temple. Special look in that place is the building color full of white, and many more the  history for the rooms are there. So, I’m fascinating can go there with other delegates.
Alhamdulillah, the event has finished, conference agenda in Chiang Rai Thailand pass over approximately. I’m go back to Indonesia in 10th November 2018 at 1 am, use the grab go to Chiang rai airport, and later on use airplane Chiang Rai Bangkok and the last Bangkok Jakarta and transit in Singapore before. I litte bit dissapointed that in the last airplane delayed so long for 2 hours...But its no problem, the time can used for break a lots.
The announcement of best oral persentation comes, since start I dont to want achieve that because I think that with followed this event is already good and prestigious for me, eventough I give the best what I can. And right, we dont get the appreciation, mostly who can the ranks is the old people who has experienced and studying for scientist, academic and professional. BUT Alhamdulillah our paper review by judge goods, and have an opportunity to publication in journal ISBN. 
The last but not least, I want to thankfull a lot for everyone who help me. I’m so grateful to God and all parties have to help a lot from starting I looking for some support until now I comeback to Indonesia. Without you all, nothing happen to me right now. Thanks a lot for all the kindness, May Allah bless and answer what the thing of it eventhough as little you do. Enough my realize story for conference AASIC in Thailand, the purpose and message for this trip is Dont look what you are now, but evidence as hard as you can that you can realize your dreams come true and not imaginating only, Allah behind you, Allah support you. Believe it.
Wassaamualaikum Wr.Wb..

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